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March 3, 1977

Report, Embassy of Hungary in Belgium to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

The World Conference for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (Conference Mondiale pour la Réunification Pacifique de la Corée) held its meeting in Brussels on 21-22 February 1977. In addition to the leading functionaries of the Belgian Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Belgium, Christian Democratic public figures also participated in the Belgian preparatory commission that undertook to organize the conference. The members of the international supporting commission were the following: Ratsiraka, President of the Malagasy Republic [Republic of Madagascar]; Eyadéma, President of the Republic of Togo; Kérékou, President of the People’s Republic of Benin; Narita Tomomi, Chairperson of the Japan Socialist Party; Minobe, Governor of Tokyo; Carrillo, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Spain; Rómulo [Escobar Bethancourt], Rector of the University of Panama and special adviser to the head of state.




The government of the DPRK was represented at the meeting by Minister of Education Kim Seok-gi [Kim Sok Gi], who headed a delegation of a few persons.




After two days of discussion, the participants in the conference adopted a resolution that had been prepared by a drafting committee. The introduction to the resolution notes that the conference intends to mobilize world public opinion, particularly public opinion in the West European countries and North America, which is poorly informed about the Korean question; it wants to call attention to the tragic situation of this nation, which was divided against its will, and to the threats to peace that result from this division.


The adopted resolution demands, among others, the following:




4.) It calls attention to the danger of stationing American nuclear forces in South

Korea and demands their immediate withdrawal.


5.) It regards the increasing cooperation of certain states with the Seoul regime in the military and nuclear field, which enables this regime to increase its armament capacity and create a military nuclear potential, as deeply disquieting, and therefore it calls upon every state to cease providing the Seoul regime with patents and technical and financial assistance [that can be used] for the establishment of defense factories.




József Vince



The socialist countries at The World Conference for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea draft a resolution that demands withdrawal of American troops from South Korea, as well as cessation of other states providing South Korea with defense capabilities.


Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-j Korea, 1977, 78. doboz, 2, 00673/2/1977. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Balazs Szalontai.


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