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September 1, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and Acting Soviet Military Attaché Ustinov

1 September 1962

Acting Military Attaché of the Embassy Colonel Ustinov reported that the second detachment of the airplanes we have presented to the DPRK have successfully landed on the airfield near the Chinese border. One fact deserves attention – a fact that the Korean military does not hide from us. They do not want the Chinese to see or to know that Soviet pilots landed planes on this airfield. Therefore all measures were adopted in order to quickly take the Soviet pilots away from the airfield and organize their rest in a different place. […] Here, in Korea, everything is done in order that [the existence of the Soviet] planes and submarines be unknown to the Chinese friends. We have still not ascertained the reasons for this phenomenon.

The Soviet Ambassador and the Military Attaché report on the activities surrounding the second detachment of Soviet military aircraft to DPRK. They both find it hard to explain the Korean requirement to keep the operation hidden from the Chinese.

Document Information


AVPRF, fond 0102, opis 18, papka 93, delo 5, list 48. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Sergey Radchenko.


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Memorandum of Conversation


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