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November 28, 1989

Ciphered Telegram No. 219, Embassy of Hungary in Pakistan to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

According to the evaluation of the Indian ambassador, the case of the nuclear reactor that China is to provide to Pakistan is producing a negative effect on regional security. India is not reassured by the fact that the agreement stipulates [the acceptance of] IAEA safeguards, because, after all, India, Brazil, and South Africa also obtained their nuclear capacity under IAEA safeguards. According to the information available for them, the used [nuclear] fuel will be returned to China. India's reaction to the nuclear reactor sale is of a deliberately low-key nature. They also expect that during Mitterrand's visit, which is due to take place in the first half of next year, an agreement will be signed on the supply of a French reactor to Pakistan. India takes notice of these developments, and, if necessary, it will be ready for a nuclear arms race on the subcontinent.

– 219 – D. –

Short report on India's response to Pakistan's purchase of a nuclear reactor from China.

Document Information


Hungarian National Archives (Magyar Országos Levéltár, MOL). XIX-J-1-j Pakistan, 1989, 71. doboz, 119-4, 001023/1/1989. Obtained and translated for NPIHP by Balazs Szalontai.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)