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June 19, 1953

Polish Ministry of State Security Action Memoranda, to Regional Branches Outlining Steps to be Taken to Limit Spillover of Events in East Germany

Warsaw, June 19, 1953

Ministry of State Security
No. AC-R-1022/53

Copy No. 1

Heads of voivodship and county state security offices

Recent provocative events in the German Democratic Republic caused by provocateurs--imperialist agents sent from West Berlin--may embolden revisionist elements in the country. One should take into account that spy rings of German and American imperialism may attempt to make trouble through hostile propaganda and acts of terror, diversion and sabotage, particularly in the recovered [former German] territories and Upper Silesia.

Such provocations are widely exploited by the imperialist broadcasting stations, which in more and more brazen manner are switching from all sorts of hostile commentaries to provocative calls on Polish workers to lower their work efficiency, etc. These provocative calls are calculated to disturb an effectively run action in the construction and metallurgical industry. This might cause activation of all sorts of hostile elements, particularly revisionist and those from the WRN.

In order to prevent an increase in the enemy's activity, thwarting its criminal designs, I direct that:


1. The chiefs of UBPs, particularly in the recovered territories, will pay close attention to the activities of all manner of revisionist circles active among ethnic Germans and to German groups and circles, intensifying their work with their agent-informant network.

2. Close operational observation should be conducted, particularly those who are suspected of maintaining political contacts with West Germany, elements and groups inclined to terrorist and diversionary acts, those suspected of connections with the imperialist intelligence agencies, etc.
The apparatus work should be carried out in such a way as to anticipate and prevent any attempts at provocation on our territory.


1. Work should be intensified with the agent-informant networks in all plants where new daily norms are being introduced. Closely evaluate moods among factory crews. Secure a steady flow of information on hostile groups and circles, identified by our organs. In the period before payday, according to the new daily norms, know in advance where hot spots might arise, and show the utmost vigilance during payday.

2. In situations where slanderous propaganda is being spread by an imperialist radio [station], the following means should be applied:
- if it is a repeat occurrence with a call to hostile actions or other forms of intentionally hostile activity--interrogation and detention.
- with regard to the instigators of this hostile activity--unconditional arrest.
In those cases, on the other hand, where someone is simply sharing news of the events in Berlin without any mischief or intent to instigate--organs of the state security will not react. In such cases, any sanctions would be repressive and are inadmissible.

3. Within the course of its official duties, the KBW should conduct inspections of security conditions of facilities under their control and the state of protection of industrial guards. Similarly, the MO organs should keep control, within normal patrol duties, of facilities under their protection and intensify their operational work with the informant network. However, under no circumstances should any uneasiness or nervousness be allowed to develop among the population as a result of these measures.

4. A system providing for the steady flow of information from the regions shall be set up. Report daily to the Director of the Minister's Cabinet on the mood among factory crews and all indications of hostile activity. From each signal of hostile activity, draw immediate political and operational conclusions consistent with letter No. AC-R-852/53 of 2 May and No. AC-R-1017/53 of 12 June of this year, reporting them to the Ministry of State Security. Regularly inform the party organs about the facts and forms of hostile activities.

/-/ S. Radkiewicz
for conformity:
Head of Orders Section
of the Minister's Cabinet
S. Brzyski

The Polish Ministry of State Security orders all district heads to take measures to limit spill-over effects of the East German uprising. Regional offices are instructed to increase surveillance of ethnic Germans and “revisionist” elements.


Document Information


CA MSWiA, akta normatywne (normative acts) 1953. Published in Andrzej Malkiewicz and Krzysztof Ruchniewicz, Pierwszy Znak Solidarnosci (Wroclaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Arboretum, 1998), pp. 140-141. Translated by Jan Chowaniec.


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Action Memorandum


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