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June 24, 1954

List of Changes to Agreements between China and the Soviet Union


RF Foreign Policy Archive

[details too faded to read]


Delivered by Zhang Wentian, PRC Ambassador

to the USSR, to V. M. Molotov,

1 July 1954

Translation from Chinese


Aide Memoire


1. The Chinese Government submits the following clarifications and additions (see Appendix Nº 1) regarding the enterprises stipulated in appendices Nº Nº 1 and 2 to the 15 May 1953 "Agreement About the Granting of Aid to Develop the Chinese Economy to the Central People's Government of the Chinese People's Republic by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics " for whose construction the Soviet Government is extending aid to China.


2. The Chinese Government submits the following clarifications and additions (see Appendices Nº Nº 2 and 3) regarding its Aide Memoire about the 35 defense industry enterprises submitted on 31 January 1954 and the Aide Memoire about the civilian industry enterprises submitted on 1 March 1954.


3. The Chinese Government requests that the Soviet Government additionally supply equipment and perform planning work concerning thermal power plants with a total power of 166,000 kilowatts to supply the electrical power needs of the enterprises for whose the construction the Soviet Government is extending aid to China (see Appendix Nº 4).


4. The Chinese Government requests that the Soviet Government charge the corresponding design organizations with designing the off-site service lines of the enterprises of the industrial regions for the following eight cities: [Ukhan'], Baotou, Lanzhou, Xian, [Loyan], Taiyuan, Qilin, and Chengdu (see Appendix Nº 5) for whose construction the Soviet Government is extending aid to China.


We request that the Soviet Government consider and approve the above requests.


with sincere gratitude


24 June 1954


An agreement proposal sent by Zhang Wentian to Vyacheslav Molotov. The proposal concerns changes to an agreement between China and the Soviet Union concerning Soviet economic and technical assistance to China. Particular attention is paid to aiding in the Chinese defense industry, assistance in developing thermal power plants to meet China's growing needs of electricity, and the economic development of several provinces in China.

Document Information


Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation (AVPRF). Obtained by Paul Wingrove and translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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