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September 7, 1969

Summary of Zhou Enlai’s Talk with Ion Gheorghe Maurer, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Romania, in Beijing

9 7 日晚 11 40 分,在新六所宾馆 2 楼和李先念副总理会见由部长会议主席毛雷尔率领的罗马尼亚党政代表团。罗党政代表团是前往河内参加胡志明主席葬礼途中到达北京的。在会见时,周总理表示,尽管我们有不同看法,交换意见是有益的。关于越南问题,越南继续抗战也好,搞巴黎会谈也好,这完全是越南党自己的事。我们同越南同志交换意见,主要是越南抗美战争的情况,我们要支援他们,学习他们进行人民战争的经验。至于巴黎会谈,我们从来不过问,一则由于越南是主人,再则苏联插了手,我们更不愿参与。会谈进行快慢,我们不予注意。苏联把越南问题、中东问题、西柏林问题、中国问题当作它同美国讨价还价的王牌,一切问题都从属于他们的对外政策。他们的对外政策就是两个超级大国联合起来,主宰世界。关于中美关系,关键就是台湾问题和联合国问题。这些问题总有一天要解决,反正我们不欠他们的债,他们欠我们的债。关于中苏关系,最近几个月发生的几十次边境冲突,是苏联蓄意挑起的,目的是转移人民视线,为国内困难找出路。我们的态度是同意进行合理的谈判,在解决以前维持边界现状,避免武装冲突。

...Premier Zhou [Enlai] expressed that, although we have different views, it is helpful to exchange opinions. As to the Vietnam question, whether the DRV continues the resistance war or conducts the Paris talks, it is the business of the Vietnamese Party themselves. When we exchange views with the Vietnamese comrades, we primarily discuss the conditions of the anti-American war in Vietnam. We want to support them and learn from their experience in carrying out the people's war. With regard to the Paris talks, we have never intervened partly because the DRV makes decisions and partly because the Soviet Union has intervened. [Because of the Soviet factor], We are even more unwilling to intervene. We have not paid attention to the progress of the talks. The Soviet Union is using the Vietnam issue, the Middle East issue, the West Berlin issue, and the China issue as trump cards in its bargaining with the United States. All these issues have been subordinated to their foreign policies. Their international policies are nothing but the unity of the two superpowers to dominate the world.


Excerpt from a talk with Ion Gheorghe Maurer in which Zhou Enlai discusses the Soviet Union’s role in Vietnamese negotiations. Maurer was leading a Romanian Party and government delegation to attend Ho Chi Minh's funeral in Hanoi. He made a stopover in Beijing on September 7, 1969.


Document Information


The Diplomatic History Research Office of the People's Republic of China Foreign Ministry, ed., Zhou Enlai waijiao huodong dashiji, 1949-1975 (Chronology of Zhou Enlai's Diplomatic Activities, 1949-1975) (Beijing: Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 1993), 538-539. Translated by Qiang Zhai.


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