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June 19, 1953

Telephonogram from V. Semenov and V. Sokolovskii in Berlin to V. Molotov and N.A. Bulganin (3), 19 June 1953, 5:35 p.m.

[The following is an excerpt of a telephonogram by V. Semenov and V. Sokolovskii in Berlin to V. Molotov and N. A. Bulganin, sent on 19 June 1953 at 5:35 p.m., describing the alleged capture of infiltrating parachutists.]

"In the region of Sangerhausen (45 kilometers west of Halle) on the night of 17 June 1953, a group of 6 parachutists was dropped.

On 19 June 1953, one of the parachutists was captured; at the preliminary interrogation he indicated that together with him, another five parachutists were dropped, as were weapons (5 carbines and a large quantity of grenades). Upon reaching the ground, they hid the weapons in a forest in the region of Sangerhausen. The captured parachutist also indicated that they were given a radio transmitter with which they were supposed to report on the uprisings. The basic task of the dropped parachutists was to participate broadly in the uprising and to incite the populace to rebellion.
The inquiry is continuing."

Semenov and Sokolovskii described the alleged capture of infiltrating parachutists in the night of 17 June.

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AVP RF, f.82, op. 41, por. 93, p. 280, l. 31. Translated by Benjamin Aldrich-Moodie (CWIHP)


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