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June 1, 1953

Telegram from the USSR Charge d’Affaires in the DPRK, S.P. Suzdalev to V.M. Molotov

Copies to:
Malenkov Kaganovich
Khrushchev Mikoyan
Bulganin Saburov
Beria Pervukhin
Molotov Gromyko

In connection with the illness of Kim Il Sung, I was received by the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Korean Workers' Party, Pak Jang-ok [Pak Chang Ok]. After listening to the recommendation of the Soviet government and the Central Committee of the CPSU for Kim Il Sung about the desirability of curtailing the campaign for unmasking the Americans' use of bacteriological weapons in Korea and China, Pak Jang-ok expressed great surprise at the actions and positions of [Soviet ambassador] V.N. Razuvaev. Pak Jang-ok stated the following: "We were convinced that everything was known in Moscow. We thought that setting off this campaign would give great assistance to the cause of the struggle against American imperialism." In his turn, Pak Jang-ok did not exclude the possibility that the bombs and containers were thrown from Chinese planes, and [that] there were no infections.

At the end of the conversation, Pak Jang-ok expressed gratitude for the information presented and assured [me] that as soon as Kim Il Sung's health situation improves, he will inform him of the recommendation of the Soviet government and the Central Committee of the CPSU.


North Korea’s response to Soviets about falsification of evidence concerning American use of biological weapons.


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Archive of the President of the Russian Federation. Translated by Kathryn Weathersby.


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