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March 24, 1950

Telegram, Shtykov to Vyshinskyy

Ciphered Telegram.


Strictly secret.


From Pyongyang.

To Vyshinsky.


On March 24 I visited Kim Il Sung and communicated to him that Comrade Stalin has agreed to receive him and [Foreign Minister] Pak Heon-yeong [Pak Hon Yong].


Kim Il Sung plans to leave Korea for Moscow on March 30 of this year. I consider it advisable to arrange a special plane for transporting Kim and Pak to Moscow. For this purpose I request a corresponding order to apportion a plane. The designated plane should arrive in Pyongyang on March 29 of this year. In case it is not possible to send a plane, the departure from Korea can be organized by naval transport from Seisin to Vladivostok. From Vladivostok to Moscow [Kim and Pak can travel] by train in a special car.


Kim intends to take with him to Moscow as an interpreter Mun Il, who was interpreter during the negotiations in Moscow, and the personal adjutant of Seo Cheon-ju [So Chon Ju], who was also with him in Moscow in 1949.


I request an order regarding whether it is necessary for someone from the embassy to accompany Kim to Moscow.


I ask for corresponding orders.

24.III.50 Shtykov

Shtykov informs Vyshinsky of Kim Il Sung's upcoming visit and the transportation arrangements.

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APRF, Listy 146-147, Fond and Opis not given; and AVPRF, Fond 059a, Opis 5a, Delo 3, Papka 11, Listy 96-97.


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Strictly Secret