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July 31, 1953

Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee (Draft)

Top Secret.
Copy #1

Proposals of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs

With the aim of further strengthening the USSR positions in Germany and increasing the counteraction of the aggressive plans of the Anglo-American bloc in Europe, the CPSU CC believes it necessary to carry out the following measures:

1. Convene on 10 August a conference in Moscow (Berlin) of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and the German Democratic Republic.

To reach an agreement with the governments of these countries regarding the following agenda:

a) the adoption of a declaration on the German question;

b) the conclusion of a treaty of friendship and economic and cultural cooperation between the participant countries of the conference.
The USSR MFA will present for ratification drafts of the declaration and the treaty by 5 August.

2. Send on 15 August a diplomatic note from the Soviet government in response to the 15 July note from the governments of the USA, England and France regarding the Washington conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs from the three Western powers.

The USSR MFA will present for ratification the draft note by 10 August.

3. Send on 20 August a note on the German question from the Soviet government to the governments of the USA, England and France.
The USSR MFA will present for ratification the draft note by 15 August.

4. Bearing in mind the need to strengthen the friendly relations between the GDR and the USSR, as well as to raise the authority of the GDR, it is expedient to enact the following:

a) reorganize the USSR diplomatic mission in Berlin and the GDR diplomatic mission in Moscow into Embassies by authorizing the USSR MFA to negotiate an agreement with the GDR government on this question.

Appoint Cde. Semyonov as the USSR Ambassador to the GDR and concurrently the USSR Chief Commissar in Germany;

b) cease the collection of reparation payments from the German Democratic Republic, starting with 1 January 1954;

c) sell on favorable terms all Soviet enterprises in Germany to the GDR Government, with payment by installments over 10 years;

d) establish an exchange rate between the ruble and the GDR mark, bearing in mind the actual buying power of the mark and the ruble;

e) recognize the expediency of establishing a joint Soviet-German enterprise on the basis of the Soviet join-stock enterprise “Wismut.”
Assign Cdes. Molotov (roll call), Mikoyan and Zverev to present in a week's time a proposal that would provide specific measures for the enactment of this Resolution with respect to articles “b,” “c,” “d,” and “e.”

5. Recognize the expediency of the arrival of the GDR government delegation to Moscow on 25 August, that will include representatives of all parties of the governing GDR coalition.

Reach an agreement with the GDR government delegation on the publication of the Soviet-German communiqué, which must reflect the following: the positions of the USSR and the GDR governments on fundamental questions pertaining to German unification and the conclusion of a peace treaty; the economic measures of the Soviet Union, directed toward strengthening the GDR; the decision to reorganize the USSR and GDR diplomatic missions into embassies, and other questions.

6. Recognize the expediency of launching a broad campaign in the press and on the radio, both in the Soviet Union and abroad, on the aforementioned measures.

Suggest to the SED CC leadership to popularize on all fronts among the German people the Soviet government's proposal on the questions of German unification and the conclusion of a peace treaty with Germany and, above all, on the question of establishing a Provisional All-German government as an important real step on the path toward German unification.

Draft resolution before the CPSU CC, seeking approval for actions required to strengthen the Soviet position in Germany and increasing the counteraction of the aggressive plans of the Anglo-American bloc in Europe.


Document Information


AVP RF, f. 06, op. 12, port. 264, pap. 16, ll. 8-10. Translated by Daniel Rozas.


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