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July 19, 1979

Boris Ponomarev, Reports from Kabul (excerpts)

Report From Kabul (Secret. Urgent)
. . . Taraki, and Amin as well, repeatedly returned to the issue of the widening of the Soviet military presence in the country. They put forth the issue of introducing approximately two [Soviet] divisions to the DRA in the event of emergency circumstances "at the request of the legal government of Afghanistan."
In regard to this pronouncement of the Afghan leadership it was declared that the Soviet Union cannot do that.

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Report From Kabul (Secret. Urgent)
On July 19 a second meeting with N.M. Taraki took place . . . Taraki once again returned to the issue of the strengthening of military support from the side of the Soviet Union, saying in that regard that in the event of the outbreak of an emergency situation the landing of a parachute division could play a decisive role in crushing the manifestation of counter-revolutionary forces.
In response, our position was put forth once again, emphasizing that the Soviet Union cannot take such measures.



Boris Ponomarev, Reports from Kabul (excerpts) discussing Taraki’s desire to have increased military support from the Soviet Union in the form of the presence of troops

Document Information


A. A. Lyakhovskiy, The Tragedy and Valour of the Afghani (Moscow: GPI "Iskon", 1995), p. 87


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