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March 23, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'It Would Be Best if the Delegation Attending the Asian-African Conference has a Muslim Member'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

[Forward to] Zhang Vice-Minister’s Office, [Chen] Jiakang, Ke [print illegible], Gong Peng

Priority: Special

From: Indonesia

Date: 1955, March, 23

Forwarded to: [Zhou] Enlai, [Deng] Xiaoping, Chen Yi, [Xi] Zhongxun, Foreign Ministry, State Ethnic Affairs Commission


It Would Be Best if the Delegation Attending the Asian-African Conference has a Muslim Member


To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


After research, we believe it would be better to include one Muslim member in the delegation attending the Asian-African conference. This is because there are many Muslim countries attending this conference; in addition, Indonesia itself is a country with a lot of Muslim sects and parties. Please consider whether or not this is appropriate.


Huang Zhen

23 March [1955]


Huang Zhang suggests having at least one Muslim in the members of Chinese delegation to the Asian-African Conference due to that many participating countries are Islamic countries.

Document Information


PRC FMA 207-00064-13, 23. Translated by Jeffrey Wang


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MacArthur Foundation