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April 3, 1957

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Main points of the Discussion between the Premier and Soekardjo Wiriopranoto'

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation



Content: Main Points of the Discussion between the Premier [Zhou Enlai] and Soekardjo Wiriopranoto


Ambassador Huang [Zhen]:


On 13 March [1957], Premier Zhou received Ambassador Soekardjo and discussed the following things during the meeting. In addition, [Premier Zhou] talked about the situation when he was gone during February, recent developments, and whether or not he received notification.


(1) Soekardjo said: Sukarno hopes that Chairman Mao [Zedong] can visit Indonesia on 17 August. The Premier [Zhou] expressed that Chairman Mao has agreed in principle to visit Indonesia, but this year might be difficult.


(2) Soekardjo mentioned that [Mohammad] Hatta is willing to visit China between September and October. The Premier expressed his welcome [towards Mohammad Hatta’s visit] and said that he personally extended the invitation to [Mohammad] Hatta when he visited Indonesia last year.


(3) Regarding holding the Second Asian-African Conference, the Premier said, approval should be sought for after the Kuala Lumpur countries bring forth suggestions and agreement from the relevant countries is obtained. The premise for preparing for the Second Asian-African Conference is that all the countries that participated in the first conference can make it; and there must be even more countries. For example countries like Morocco, Tunisia, etc. If the number of participating countries is very small, then we would rather wait for a bit. Secondarily, the Second Asian-African Conference is beneficial to solidarity; [we] do not want the conference to become a place for arguments. The above report is for reference.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

3 April 1957




Zhou Enlai and Sukazuo discussed the visits of high-level officials as well as the preparation for the second Asian-African Conference


Document Information


PRC FMA 107-00250-06, 49. Translated by Jeffrey Wang.


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MacArthur Foundation