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October 8, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to USSR Council of Ministers

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

No. 1443


8 October 1950   11.20


On 8 October I met with Kim Il Sung and read him your letter.


Pak Heon-Yeong [Pak Hon Yong] was present during our talk and it was he who translated the contents of the letter.


Kim Il Sung recorded the contents of the letter into his working notebook.


The contents of the letter had a great impact on Kim Il Sung and Pak Heon-Yeong. It was obvious that they received it with great pleasure.


Kim Il Sung exclaimed “now our future is clear.”


Turning to Pak Heon-Yeong, Kim Il Sung said that we need to take serious measures in order to strengthen our position on the front and speed up the creation of more reserves.




Telegram from the Ambassador of the USSR in the DPRK to the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR about the reaction of the North Korean leadership to his letter containing the announcement about the support for the war of the Korean people by the PRC and the Soviet Union.

Document Information


TsAMO RF, fond 5, opis 918795, delo 121, list 720. Translated for NKIDP by James F. Person.


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Leon Levy Foundation