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November 1, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'The Cuban Foreign Trade Minister Expressed Thanks to China'

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation



 The Cuban Foreign Trade Minister Expressed Thanks to China


Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


Today during comrade Huang Wenyou’s official visit to Cuban foreign trade minister, [Alberto] Mora [Becerra], the latter spoke [as follows]:


The Cuban people unite around the leader and support the five conditions. Without these conditions, nothing will be guaranteed.


We have noticed the People’s Daily’s editorial about supporting Cuba. [We] feel grateful as well as satisfied towards the support from the Chinese people. The Chinese people are our real brothers and comrades.


We understand that Chinese comrades struggled with the Norwegian ship owners and forced it to go to Cuba, for which we feel deeply grateful. Yet on the other hand, I think you will also understand that this [i.e. the incident of forcing the Norwegian ship to go to Cuba] was regrettable, for it not only affected us, but also the global endeavor. We feel very uncomfortable [with this incident]. But our position is firm and serious; peace could not be begged for.


The situation of previous days was very tense: at any minute an invasion and a nuclear war could occur. Our people were calm and vigilant, guarding as usual their combat and production positions.   


Finally, he [Mora] asked Charge d’Affaires Huang to forward to the Chinese people the gratitude of the Cuban people.


[Chinese] Embassy in Cuba

1 November 1962

A conversation between Chargé d’Affaires Huang Wenyou and Cuban Foreign Trade Minister, Alberto Mora Becerra. They discussed China-Cuba relations (Chinese support of Cuba) and an incident in which Chinese comrades forced a Norwegian ship to go to Cuba.

Document Information


PRC FMA 111-00342-05, 19. Translated by Zhang Qian.


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Memorandum of Conversation


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Leon Levy Foundation