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April 18, 1961

Record of the Czechoslovak Communist Party (CPCz) Politburo regarding Cuban Requests for Arms and Ammunition, 6 April 1961, with Attached Resolution on Same Subject

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation






Regarding: The interest of the Cuban Revolutionary Government in being supplied with additional special technology.


Leading representatives of the Cuban Revolutionary Government have submitted via the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana new requests for supplies of special technology and investment mechanisms.


The requests have been dealt with by the State Planning Commission, the Defense Ministry, the Ministry of Industry, and the Finance Ministry.


Enclosure I


Suggested resolution


Enclosure III




Enclosure IV


Memorandum for the record


Presented by: Comrade F. Krajčír


6 April 1961


Number of pages: 11


It is necessary that this material be returned within one month to the Technical Department of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party





143rd meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party on 18 April 1961


Regarding: The interest of the Cuban Revolutionary Government in being supplied with additional special technology (Comrade F. Krajčír)



The Politburo of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party:


It takes into account the report on the interest of the Cuban Revolutionary Government in being supplied with additional special technology and investment mechanisms.



Agrees to the following:


To supply 50 million 7.92 mm bullets to the Cuban Revolutionary Government of which 2 million will come from Defense Ministry stockpiles for one-third of their value on the basis of the reserve sum of the Czechoslovak-Cuban Agreement of 11 June 1960 on supplies of special technology reached between the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Government of the Cuban Republic and the other 48 million bullets will be re-exported from the Bulgarian People’s Republic at full value. At least one-fifth, namely 5.3 million Czechoslovak crowns, will be paid for in hard currency in 1961. The remaining 21.2 million Czechoslovak crowns will be paid off in five annual payments based on Czechoslovak-Cuban clearing accounts at 2% interest beginning in 1962.


To supply 2 mobile artillery batteries from the stockpiles of the Ministry of Defense at one-third of their value, namely for 423,000 Czechoslovak crowns on the basis of the reserve sum of the Czechoslovak-Cuban Agreement of 11 June 1960.


To supply 400,000 magazines for 7.62 mm automatic rifles vz.52čs at a value of around 10.5 million Czechoslovak crowns on a cash, hard currency basis or through Czechoslovak-Cuban clearing.


The construction of a permanent army weapon repair station and with the provision of any necessary technical assistance in order for it to be operational. The entire cost should be covered through Czechoslovak-Cuban clearing with 20 percent of the cost to be covered upon supplies of technical equipment. The rest would be covered on the basis of a 12 million crown loan, which would be repaid in five successive annual payments. The value of supplies will then exceed the initial twenty percent.


To provision of technical assistance for the construction of anti-aircraft defenses in Cuba. A five member team of experts will be sent to Cuba according to those conditions set out in the agreement between the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Government of the Cuban Republic on supplies of special technology (Article 10, Section 2), which was signed on 11 June 1960 in Havana and later approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party on 28 June 1960.



III. Charges:


a. Comrade F. Krajčír with the task of finalizing any

additions to the agreement of 11 June 1960 or additions

to established contacts concerning supplies described in

Points II a to d of this resolution.


c. Comrade B. Lomský


1. with the task of freeing up 2 million 7.92 mm. bullets and 2 mobile artillery batteries,


2. of preparing a group of specialists for the provision of technical assistance with the organization of anti-aircraft defenses on Cuban territory.


d. Comrade K. Poláček with the following tasks on the basis of requests of Minister of Foreign Trade, F. Krajčir:


1. To produce magazines for the automatic 7.92 mm. rifle model 52 Cz. by deadlines agreed upon with the Ministry of Foreign Trade.


2. To formulate quickly along with the Ministry of Foreign Trade a

final offer to build an army repair station keeping in mind Cuba’s need to secure its ability to repair supplied weapons.


3. To provide technical assistance in conjunction with the Defense

Ministry technical assistance by sending Czechoslovak experts to Cuba or by training Cubans in Czechoslovak industries.


g. Comrade J. Ďuriš with the task of providing loans in accordance with the

provisions according to Points II a and II c of this resolution.



IV. Empowers Comrade V. Široký to decide on approaches to any new issues that maz develop in future negotiations with Cuban representatives so long as they shall fall outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.


To be acted upon by:


Comrade F. Krajčír

Comrade B. Lomský

Comrade K. Poláček

Comrade J. Ďuriš


To the attention of:


Comrade V. Široký

Comrade O. Šimůnek

Comrade L. Jankovcová

Comrade V. David

Comrade B. Kőhler

Comrade A. Dubček

Comrade V. Koucký

The record and attached resolution concerns the final decision by the Politburo of the Czechoslovak Communist Party to send arms and "special technology" to Cuba. Among the arms shipped are 2 mobile artillery batteries, 50 million 7.92 mm bullets, and military specialists to aid the Cuban military in the construction of anti-aircraft defenses on Cuban territory. This would prove to be fruitful for the Cubans in the coming Bay of Pigs Invasion.

Document Information


National Archive, Archive of the CC CPCz, (Prague)


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Strictly Confidential


Leon Levy Foundation