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December 21, 1962

Cable from US Desk, Israeli Foreign Ministry, to Israeli Embassy, Washington

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

 According all available reports it seems clear that the aim of Robert Kennedy’s surprising visit [to Brazil on December 17] was to explain to [Brazilian President João] Goulart, and Brazilians as a whole, what were the implications of the Cuban Missile Crisis for Brazilian foreign policy (i.e. that the Soviets had accepted the fact that Latin-America was an American sphere of influence.) This pulls the rug under the idea of Brazil conducting “an independent foreign policy.” American aid money would, from now on, be conditioned upon Brazilian compliance with American wishes.


A description of President Kennedy's visit to Brazil on 17 December and his explanation of the implicaitons of the Cuban Missile Crisis on Brazilian foriegn policy.

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MFA 3394\19, Israel State Archive (ISA), Jerusalem, Israel; obtained and translated from Hebrew by Guy Laron.

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Leon Levy Foundation