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October 24, 1962

Telegram from Yugoslav Embassy in Rio de Janeiro (Barišić) to Yugoslav Foreign Ministry

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FNRJ [FPRY: Federated People’s Republic of Yugoslavia]

Sending: Rio Received: 25.X 62. at 07.30

No. 398

Taken into process: teletypewriter

Date: 24.X 1962

Completed: 25.X 62. at 08.10




To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


The talk with [Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs] Under Secretary [Carlos A.] Bernardes on the 24th of October.

The last information from the MFA [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] received here from the Ambassador in Washington [Roberto de Oliveira Campos] says that the USA is getting ready for military intervention in Cuba. The approximate plan is that US planes will start bombing Cuba in the places where there are alleged bases with nuclear weapons and that will be as soon as Cuba refuses to accept the UN Commission for disarmament. The Brazilian Government advised Cuba to invite the Commission itself so as to clear the charges about the existence of nuclear weapons. However, Cuba rejected it. The Government is of opinion that the USA is responsible for the instantaneous intensifying of the conflict and they are very worried about the unyielding attitude of the USA towards Fidel’s Government. Kennedy sent a letter to [Brazilian President João] Goulart from which it can be concluded that the USA is getting ready not only for disarmament of Cuba but for the military liquidation of Fidel’s Government as well. [Brazilian UN Ambassador Afonso] Arinos suggested that Brazil address the General Assembly with the proposal of deatomization [denuclearization] of LA [Latin America] including Cuba.



A telegram from the Yugoslav Embassy in Rio de Janeiro to the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry relaying a message from "Brazilian Ambassador in Washington [Roberto de Oliveira Campos] says that the USA is getting ready for military intervention in Cuba. The approximate plan is that US planes will start bombing Cuba in the places where there are alleged bases with nuclear weapons and that will be as soon as Cuba refuses to accept the UN Commission for disarmament."

Document Information


Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AMIP), Belgrade, Serbia, PA (Confidential Archive) 1962, Kuba, folder F-67. Obtained by Svetozar Rajak and Ljubomir Dimić and translated by Radina Vučetić-Mladenović.


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Leon Levy Foundation