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January 11, 1964

Telegram number 47 from Pierre Gorce

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Tirana, 11th January 1964 at 12h00

Received on 13th………………….


Telegram number 47


Following my letter number 14/EU of 10th January.


Summary of the end of the Sino-Albanian common declaration: The two parties denounce the sabotage acts perpetrated by American Imperialism against Cambodia and unanimously support the fair position of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. They also support Indonesia’s struggle against Malaysia.


The two parties denounce the arrival of the American 7th Fleet in the Indian Ocean.


The two parties warmly salute all the popular struggles against imperialism and neo-colonialism, and firmly support all the people taking part in that struggle. The two parties warmly salute the achievements of the Cuban people, led by President Fidel Castro. The two parties firmly support the struggle of the working classes against monopolistic capitalism in the capitalist countries of Europe, North America and Oceania.


The two parties firmly denounce the criminal activity of American imperialism, which helped to revive and to activate the revengeful and military forces of West Germany. The two parties support the view according to which the socialist camp is the foundation of the world proletarian revolution and the fortress to defend peace in the world. The two parties underline the fact that the socialist camp has always been in favor of peaceful coexistence between countries with different social systems.


China and Albania support each other and work closely together on international affairs. Prime Minister Zhou Enlai emphasized that the People’s Republic of Albania made an important contribution to the safeguard of the socialist camp, as well as the safeguard of peace in Europe and the world.


The two parties agree that Tito’s revisionist clique in Yugoslavia has betrayed the socialist camp and has become a special column of American imperialism with the aim of wrecking world revolution.


This clique is virulently opposed to the socialist camp and does its utmost to undermine the unity of the camp. It undermines the unity of the movements of national liberation of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America.


Finally, the declaration expresses the conviction of the two parties of the necessity to continue the struggle against modern revisionism and dogmatism, as well as that for the unity of the socialist camp and the one against imperialism.


The two parties and the two brotherly peoples must continue to raise the flag of Marxism-Leninism. The two parties are profoundly convinced that the visit of the Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in the People’s Republic of Albania, as well as the cordial discussions between the leaders of both countries, will not only strengthen the fraternal friendship that ties the two parties and the two countries, but also made a positive contribution to the unity of the socialist camp and the international communist movement.


Signed Pierre Gorce


Pierre Gorce summarizes the contents of the recent Sino-Albanian common declaration.


Document Information


Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France. Obtained by Enrico Fardella and translated by Garret Martin.


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MacArthur Foundation and Leon Levy Foundation