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August 7, 1970

Telegram, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Hereby I report the following information:


On [August] 6, the chargé d’affaires of the DRV embassy paid me a visit. […]


On my inquiry about the latest developments of Korean-Vietnamese relations, the chargé d’affaires stated that no new elements have been added to their relations. [Their relations] have remained unchanged, that is, they are good; [the two countries], at their discretion, mutually support each other’s struggle against aggressive American imperialism as far as they can. At the same time the chargé d’affaires drew my attention to the declaration that the DRV F[oreign] M[inistry] had made on July 20, on the 16th anniversary of the Geneva Agreements. According to the chargé d’affaires, this declaration well demonstrates the DRV standpoint on [the idea of] the common front of the “five Asian countries,” which has been recently so much emphasized by the Korean comrades. That is, the Vietnamese standpoint has remained unaltered, he said; since American imperialism is an enemy of every socialist country and of the entire mankind, not only of the “five countries,” it is necessary to achieve cooperation not only between the “five countries” but also between all anti-imperialist forces [emphasis in the original], and the main force of anti-imperialist struggle is not confined to the common front of a few countries but encompasses the whole socialist camp [emphasis in the original], for whose unity they, Vietnamese Communists, are fighting in the spirit of [1st President of Democratic Republic of Vietman] Comrade Ho Chi Minh’s last will. The chargé d’affaires asked how I evaluated the recent visit of a Korean military delegation in Beijing. I replied that I considered it [an event] whose importance was greater than that of a simple protocol or return visit. On his part, the chargé d’affaires added that in his view, [the visit] was a direct consequence of the Korean-Chinese joint communiqué that had been made in April […].




A telegram from the Embassy of Hungary in North Korea reporting on North Korean-Vietnamese relations and their struggle against the United States.


Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-j Korea, 1970, 54. doboz, 81-10, 0026/1970. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Balázs Szalontai.


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Leon Levy Foundation