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April 4, 1963

Secret Telegram from Michałowski (Warsaw) to Jaszczuk (Moscow)

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Warsaw, April 4, 1963

Top Secret

No. 3640


MOSCOW-JASZCZUK05.IV.63 at 12:30


1) On March 22 of this year, the DRV ambassador [to Poland Tran Chi Hien] relayed to us the position of the Political Bureau of the CC VWP towards well-known to you Galbraith’s initiative.


The Vietnamese comrades think that the fight of the national liberation movement will eventually lead to an international solution of the problem in South Vietnam. They see such a solution in the form of an international conference based on those of 1954 and 1962, which would enable the victory of our camp while still saving face for the US. While stipulating that in their opinion the situation in South Vietnam has not yet matured for such a conference to be taking place, the Vietnamese comrades agree that the continuation of sounding out the real intentions of the United States is desirable. The probe could lead to an explanation of whether the United States already truly desires a peaceful settlement of the problem in South Vietnam. The probe would also aim at explaining the American conception regarding a ceasefire for a period of six months, withdrawal of foreign troops, and the neutralization of both parts of the country. They are asking us to undertake the continuation of the probe as to the American side. (Handwritten text: We are sending you by courier a note from the conversation with the DRV ambassador which clearly explains the issue).


2) The ambassador also relayed to us a copy of the Political Bureau CC VWP letter to the CC CPSU, whose content does not deviate from the above.


3) We intend to authorize Ogrodziński to broach the topic with Galbraith.


Relay possible suggestions of the Soviet comrades.






Initialed by:




Cde. Minister Naszkowski Deciphered on 05.IV.63 at 14:30 by Karcz

Cde. Ambassador Wierna Cde. Director Findziński Cde. Director Morski

Cde. Director Spasowski

Cde. Director Pohoryles


Cable from Jerzy Michalowski in Warsaw to Boleslaw Jaszczuk in Moscow, informing him of information from the DRV ambassador to Poland. The ambassador relayed that the VWP does not think that the situation in South Vietnam is not yet favorable, but that once it is they will seek a solution to hostilities at an international peace conference. They state that they will continue to ascertain the true intentions of the United States, particularly the provision for a ceasefire.

Document Information


AMSZ, Warsaw, 6/77, w-100, t-603, obtained and translated by Margaret Gnoinska. Published in CWIHP Working Paper No. 45.


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Top Secret


Leon Levy Foundation