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November 25, 1963

Secret Telegram from Chodorek (Hanoi) to Morski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 15053]

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation


Ciphergram No. 15053



From…Hanoi……dispatched on 11.25.63 at 1700 hours…received on 11.25.63 at 11:20 hours…

Came in to the Decoding Department…11.25.63 at 14:20 hours…………………………..









(FYI: Thee, Maneli)


On the 22nd of this month, on the instructions of the [DRV] Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ha Van Lau relayed the decision of the Vietnamese leadership regarding the ICC in Vietnam:


1.   Coming out of recommendations of the conference in Honolulu, which postulated the intensification of the war with the Vietcong in South Vietnam, as well as postponing the elections until its successful outcome, Ha Van Lau presented in quite dark colors the past and the future of the ICC in Vietnam, challenging both the efficacy of its activity and purpose of its further existence at a time when the US is breaking the Geneva Accords, continues to intensify military aid, and intervenes in internal affairs of the South.


2. Since 1958 the ICC has not only not thwarted the US in their military aggression in the South and their breaking of the Geneva Accords, but with each day its activity deviates from the principal goals of the Geneva Accords, and in many cases goes beyond the framework of the accords (spying by the Indians and Canadians, accusations of the

DRV, etc.)


3.   The main responsibility for the activity of the ICC lies with the Indian [delegate] instructed by his own government, which “in the past few years has been getting closer to the West, especially the US, with each day.”


That is why “the DRV thinks that the activity of the Indian delegation executes the instructions of US policy in Southeast Asia.” “Recent political preparations by the Indian, which could be a detriment to us” (subversion, return to the issue of war ships in the DRV, etc.) also testify to this.


4.   Under these circumstances the DRV decided to limit the activity of the representatives of India and Canada, as well as to prevent their actions [which would be] harmful to carrying out the Geneva Accords.


For this purpose, the DRV’s government puts forth the issue of eliminating ICC groups in North and South Vietnam, excluding the demilitarized zone.


Temporary groups can be formed in Saigon if necessary and the headquarters of the Commission in Hanoi. Saigon does not like Hanoi.  “If the future shows the necessity of a reactivization of groups in the North and the South, the DRV will express consent, but under the conditions which will be beneficial to them.”


5.   The struggle for carrying out this postulate will be difficult; the joint position of Poland, the USSR, and the DRV will lead to victory. The DRV will avoid the political aspect of the issue in the face of the co- chairmen of the Geneva Accords (the limitation of harmful consequences of which could result of the position of the representatives of India and Canada), while limiting the motive of its own move regarding organizational and financial difficulties of the Commission.


6.   At the end, HVL asked that I relay this issue, as well as his opinion, to our leadership in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  According to HVL, Soviet comrades had already been informed about this a few days before. HVL read from the text dated the 13th of this month.



/-/ Chodorek


No. 396

Deciphered 11.25.63 at 16:40

Deciphered by Szwech, checked by Górski


Record of Ha Van Lau's discussion of the Internatinonal Control Commission in Vietnam, sent by Polish official in Hanoi, Chodorek, to Warsaw. He states that the Commission has repeatedly violated the Geneva Accords and, through its Indian delegate, operated under the orders of the US.


Document Information


AMSZ, Warsaw; 6/77, w-96, t-1368, obtained and translated by Margaret Gnoinska. Published in CWIHP Working Paper No. 45.


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Leon Levy Foundation