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March 5, 1965

Cable from the Division of Soviet and East European Affairs to the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

People's Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cable

To: Moscow

Level: Extra Urgent Advance

Contents: Asking to check up on several situations concerning the suppression of student protesters

Embassy in the Soviet Union:


Please immediately devise a way to investigate the following matters and report back your findings to be used in this evening's Xinhua News report.


1) How many international students in total were injured?  How many Chinese students were injured and how many are in serious condition?  If you are not able to complete the investigation by 1:00 a.m., please provide an estimate or find out how many students from Vietnam, Cuba, and other Asian and African countries were injured.


2) Students from which countries participated in the protest?  At least find out which continents they are from and whether or not there were any from the USSR or Eastern Europe.


3) Was it the Cuban ambassador or a stand-in that gave a speech in front of the Vietnamese embassy?



    Division of Soviet and East European Affairs


This cable was sent to the embassy in the Soviet Union on March 5th at 6:00pm

Security restricted to staff on duty

March 5th 6:10pm

The Chinese Foreign Ministry requires additional details and clarifications on the protests in Moscow against the United States.

Document Information


PRC FMA 109-03984-02, 7-8. Obtained by You Lan and translated by Jake Tompkins.


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MacArthur Foundation