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September 27, 1956

Telegram addressed to Mikoyan, 'With regards to Pak Il-u'

Top Secret


the following telegrams have been sent

concerning the case of PAK Il-u:


1. Nº 1044 of 26 November 1955 - to USOV.

2. Nº 1059 of 17 December 1955 - to ALEKSEYEV.

3. Nº 46 of 15 March 1956 - to ALEKSANDROV.

4. Nº 57 of 30 March 1956 - to USOV.

5. Nº 111 of 22 May 1956 - to USOV.



The telegrams were reported to Cde. A. I. Mikoyan on 27 September 1956.


[illegible signature, possibly V. Listov]


This telegram lists identification numbers of five telegrams sent to Usov, Alekseevich, and Aleksandrov between November 11, 1955 and May 22, 1956 on the topic of Pak Il-u.


Document Information


GARF, Fond 5446, Opis 98, Delo 721, List 220. Translated by Gary Goldberg.


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