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March 19, 1955

Telegram to V. M. Molotov on Report of the Agency France Press

SECRET, Copy #___





According to a report of the agency France Press, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Piné, stated, during a meeting of the Commission on Foreign Affairs of the French National Assembly on 17 March of this year, that the question of calling a conference of the three powers (France, England and the USA) on the problems of Indo-China has already been decided.


As becomes clear from Piné’s statement, the goal of the conference is to “discuss the problems that will arise in the unifying countries during the implementation of the Geneva accords,” including the problems of the evacuation of Haiphong and the upcoming elections in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.


According to a report in the English newspaper “Scotsman,” this conference will take place in April of this year in Paris alongside a session of the NATO council.


The agreement reached by the USA, France and England on a separate conference to discuss the problems of Haiphong and the elections in Vietnam is clearly an attempt to wreck the Geneva accords.


In connection with this, I believe it would be sensible to order cdes. Malik and Vinogradov to visit, respectively, Eden and Piné and ask them for a clarification of this separate conference.


Such a step would demonstrate to the governments of France and England that the Soviet Government is watchful of their attempts to violate the Geneva accords.


The draft orders to cdes. Malik and Vinogradov are attached.


Please examine.










Telegram from V. Kuznetsov about the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Piné's statement that a conference of the three powers has been called to discuss problems of Indo-China and implementation of Geneva accords. The telegram concludes that a meeting is needed with Piné to demonstrate that the Soviet Union is firmly monitoring any Geneva accord violations.

Document Information


AVPRF, fond 079, opis 10, papka 9, delo 8; translated for CWIHP by Daniel Rozas.


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