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May 19, 1955

Molotov to CC CPSU on United States and French Relations in South Vietnam

Top Secret. Copy #  2





At the present time, Americans have expanded their activities in South Vietnam, aimed at displacing the French from Vietnam.  Americans are trying to undermine French economic positions, are actively involved in displacing the French from the army by getting their own advisors selected for the highest posts, are strengthening their political influence by using widespread bribery of not only political officials, but of entire organizations.  The intensification of disagreements between the Americans and the French and the escalation of internecine war between different political factions inside the country are finding their manifestations in well-known evidence of military engagements between South Vietnamese government forces and the military factions of religious sects.  


The developing situation in South Vietnam can be used to strengthen those social forces in South Vietnam that support the unification of the country on a democratic foundation, maintain an anti-imperialist stance, and speak out for the country’s national independence.  Given the situation in South Vietnam, on April 1st of this year the Workers Party C[entral] C[ommittee] adopted a special resolution that contains instructions for the activities of local party organizations in that part of the country.


However, as is clear particularly from cde. Lavishchev’s report and from cde. Yudin’s discussion with the Polish representative at the International Commission monitoring the armistice in Vietnam, cde. Bibrovski, in actuality there are serious deficiencies in the practical implementation of the directives of the Workers Party Central Committee in South Vietnam.


The aggressive policies of the Americans are not being properly and consistently exposed.  At the same time, Americans are carrying out a large propaganda campaign against communism, against the USSR and the PRC.


Our friends in the DRV so far have not been making sufficient use of the current situation in South Vietnam to carry out the necessary measures, particularly in light of the upcoming elections in July 1956.


In connection with the aforementioned circumstances, it would be sensible to advise the Vietnamese friends to pay more attention to their efforts in South Vietnam toward activating and rallying the patriotic and anti-imperialist forces in that part of Vietnam.


The USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs also believes it would be expedient to entrust cde. Yudin to discuss this question with the Chinese friends, and cde. Vinogradov - with the French [friends].  Entrust cde. Ponomarenko to discuss with the Polish friends the question of receiving from their representatives at the International Commission regular and, to the extent possible, complete information on the situation in South Vietnam.


The draft Resolution is attached.


Please review.




V. Molotov

19 May 1955


V. Molotov reports to CC CPSU on American undermining of France in Vietnam. He believes that the situation should be used to promote unification and that American policies are not properly exposed.

Document Information


AVPRF, fond 06, opis 14, papka 12, delo 170, listy 1-2; translated for CWIHP by Daniel Rozas.


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Top Secret