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February 1, 1980

Telegram from the Romanian Embassy in Geneva to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February 1, 1980, 028565, Secret

To Comrade Constantin Oancea,


The Ambassador of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Geneva said, in the context of the recent proposals of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the reunification of Korea, that this time the North Korean government is ready to make important concessions to South Korea.


Referring to the new conditions set by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea when it made the new proposals, the ambassador mentioned that the mass demonstrations in South Korea have gained momentum after the assassination of Park Chung Hee and that "as long as a nation remains divided, it offers a chance for the great powers to constantly meddle in its affairs".


The future Korea will be an independent, non-aligned and neutral country.



Constantin Ene.


An announcement by the ambassador of North Korea that Pyongyang is ready to make concessions toward South Korea.

Document Information


Archive of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Translated by Liz Gheorghe.


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