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April 4, 1993

Cable Ambassador Ricupero to the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, 'Brazil-United States. Alcântara. Visit of Lockheed representative.'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

To: Embassy in Washington


No. 01CO111=00450


Communications. Redistribution of cable.

Classification: ACOM – G14

Cable no. 570

Brazil-USA/ Alcântara. Visit of representative of Lockheed.


Redistributed to DMAE/DPTS/DCS

Requested by DMA

Sent on 4 April 1993 at 15:40

(Signed) Exteriores



From; Embassy in Washington                          To: Exteriores

Distribution: DPTS/DMAE/DCS/DE-1






Brazil-United States. Alcântara.

Visit of Lockheed representative.



570 21720 Ref your cable BV 86179 of 14/2/93 and add to cable 398 of 11/2/93. Messrs. Ken Fisher and Noel P. Horn, from Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Inc., held meetings with Secretary Carmen Ribeiro Moura in order to discuss possibilities of development of joint activities between that company, the Russian enterprise Kruchinev and Monteiro Aranha Group in the field of satellite launching.

2.  Mr. Fisher summarized the contents of recent contacts held in Brazil with representatives from the State Secretariat for External Relations and the Ministry of the Air Force and recalled that the objective of an eventual joint venture to be organized among the three entities, plus the Riggs Bank, would be the launching of American satellites by the Russian Proton rocket from the base at Alcântara. He mentioned that a first consultation with the Department of State on the matter had provoked strong opposition. Interviews held in the past week, however, gave him the impression that the posture of the Department of State and other government sectors involved in technology control shows a tendency to change in what regards cooperation with Russia. He stressed the fact that during his demarche with the Undersecretary for International Security of the Department of State, Ambassador Frank Wiesner, currently Undersecretary for Political Affairs at the Pentagon, he had become deeply involved in the process to obtain authorization for a joint venture between Lockheed and Kruchinev. He believes that the argument that the most effective modality of assistance to Russia is the creation of economically profitable activities for that country and not merely the provision of financial aid would be well received. He added finally that the tripartite project is technically and commercially viable. On the technical sphere he observed that the Proton rocket could hardly be launched from the United States due to the difficulties in complying with existing environmental standards. In the commercial area, besides mentioning  the highly privileged geographic location of the Alcântara base, he stressed the profits to be reaped by the American side in the joint venture already in place with Kruchinev.

3. It is worth noting that the visit of the representatives of Lockheed to the Embassy had been suggested by an officer from the Brazil desk at the State Department, who emphasized the usefulness of the exchange of information on the above mentioned cooperation United States-Russia-Brazil. The same source is believed to have indicated to the businessmen that the willingness of Brazil to observe the parameters of MTCR would greatly facilitate the course of projects in the field of space.



This report describes the meeting between the Brazilian diplomat Carmen Moura and Lockheed’s representatives Kenneth Fisher and Noel Horn. The main issue discussed at the meeting was the feasibility of the creation of the joint venture between Lockheed, the Russian Kruchinev and the Brazilian group Monteiro Aranha. The venture would utilize American made satellites from Lockheed, satellite launch vehicles from Kruchinev and the Brazilian launching site at Alcântara Launch Center.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)