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September 15, 1945

The Situation in Xinjiang

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

15 September 1945


299. The Situation in Xinjiang


1. In connection with the conclusion of a treaty of friendship and alliance, a number of agreements, and an exchange of notes about Xinjiang between the Soviet Union and China consider it advisable to assume responsibility for mediation between the insurgents in Xinjiang and the Central Government of China.


2. Charge Cde. Petrov, the Soviet Ambassador in China, with making the following statement to Vice Minister Gan Naiguang:


"In reply to your statement of 7 September of this year I have the honor to inform you of the following: the Soviet Consul in Ghulja [Yining] has informed the Soviet government that some Muslims who call themselves representatives of the insurgents in Xinjiang, have turned to him and suggested that the Russians assume responsibility for mediation between them and the Chinese authorities in order to settle the conflict which has arisen. They stated at the same time that the population which had revolted had not set itself the goal of breaking away from China. They pursue the goal of achieving autonomy in that part of Xinjiang where Muslims constitute a clear majority of the population, specifically the Ili [Yili], Tarbaghatay [Qoqek or Tacheng], Altai, and Kashgar [Kashi] districts. They also pointed to the lack of rights for the Muslim population in Xinjiang and also to the oppression, lawlessness, and mass repressions by the Chinese administration which by its actions has forced the Muslims rise in arms to defend their rights.


Interested in establishing order on its border, the Soviet Government is ready to charge its consul in Ghulja with trying to give the Chinese government possible assistance in settling the situation which has arisen in Xinjiang if it desires this".


3. Recommend to the insurgents that active operations of its armed forces be halted until a reply is received from the Chinese Government to the statement of the Soviet Ambassador and to the time for negotiations, if such take place.


Excerpts sent to:


Cdes Molotov, Beria, Vyshinsky, and Kobulov.


The Central Committee of the CPSU reports that the rebels in the East Turkestan Republic (ETR), or northern Xinjiang, have requested that the Soviet Union mediate between the Chinese Nationalist Government and the ETR.

Document Information


RGASPI F. 17. Op. 162, D. 37, ll. 150-151. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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MacArthur Foundation