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July 16, 1935

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 42 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

RGASPI f. 17, op. 162, d. 19, l. 49.


[handwritten at the top of the page: from Minutes Nº 42 of the Politburo decisions of 22 July - 1 September 1936


Point 227 is in classified storage]




from 16 July 1936




227. Concerning Xinjiang


1. In addition to the 8 June 1934 Politburo decree, permit an increase of the number of trade officials of the mission in Kumul [Hami] to five, and the mission in Aksu [Akesu] to three.


2. Permit Sovsin'torg to have some small storehouses of goods at these agencies.


Excerpts have been sent to:


Cdes. Litvinov, Stomonyakov and Rozengol'ts.






The Politburo orders an increase in the number of Soviet trade officials in Kumul and Aksu.

Document Information


RGASPI f. 17, op. 162, d. 19, l. 49. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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MacArthur Foundation