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April 19, 1937

Concerning Actions to be Taken Against the Command of the 6th Division of the NRA

[handwritten at the top of the page: point 8 is in classified storage]


MINUTES Nº 49 of the



DECISIONS OF 17 April - 15 June 1937





19 April 1937


8. Concerning Xinjiang


1. Consider it necessary to disarm the units of the 6th Division which straggled from Mamut and which have concentrated in Yarkant [Shache], and not allow their organized advance on Kashgar [Kashi]. The command staff, which is hostile to the Urumqi government, ought to be arrested. Turn to Ma Hushan, the deputy commander of the 36th [Division], for assistance in establishing order in Yarkant and the district, and also in disarming the units of the 6th Division located there. Ask him through Ma Zhongying to temporarily deploy one regiment in Yarkant and carry out the measures indicated above in coordination with the Urumqi government.  


2. Send a group of trusted and energetic Chinese and Uyghurs from Kashgar to organize a government in Yarkant. It is desirable to have people among the Uyghurs sent to Yarkant who are known to the personnel of the 6th Division.


Excerpts have been sent:


to Cdes. Litvinov and Yezhov.




[CC seal] CC SECRETARY [signed] I. Stalin


Noting that the command staff of the 6th Division of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army is hostile to the Urumqi government, the Politburo orders that the units be disarmed and the command staff arrested. The Politburo also orders that a group of energetic Chinese and Uighurs from Kashgar be sent to organize a government in Yarkant.

Document Information


RGASPI f. 17, op. 162, d. 20, l. 26. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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