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April 4, 1937

Concerning a Peace Settlement in Kashgar

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

[handwritten]: MINUTES Nº 47 of the

Politburo meeting of 7 April 1937

[handwritten at the top of the page: point 135 is in classified storage].




[Politburo decision of]

4 April 1937


135. Concerning Xinjiang.


1. Recommend the governor immediately address an appeal to Mamut to return to Kashgar [Kashi] and enter into talks for a peaceful settlement of all the issues which have arisen with him, for which purpose the governor is ready to send a special delegation to Kashgar. Declare to Mamut that the information he has received about alleged hostile intentions toward him on the part of the Urumqi government are the inventions of malicious forces trying to provoke a new civil war in Xinjiang with the purpose of enslaving its peoples. Take steps so that this appeal by the governor becomes as widely known as possible in the ranks of the Uyghur division.


2. Charge Cde. Smirnov with meeting with Mamut personally and in the name of the Soviet government to try and convince him of the need to return to Kashgar and resolve all his disputes with Urumqi by peaceful means. Permit Cde. Smirnov to guarantee Mamut in the name of the Soviet government that the Urumqi government will not take any steps against him and will treat all his claims and complaints with the utmost attention.


3. Charge Cde. Frinovsky with talking with Ma Zhongying about him [Ma] sending a telegram to Ma Hushan, the acting Commanding General of the Dungan Division, with a suggestion to detain and disarm all the Uyghur units crossing into the division's territory.


4. Charge Cdes. Frinovsky and Uritsky with developing a plan of military measures against the Uyghur division in the event that Mamut switches to military operations against the Urumqi government.


Excerpts have been sent:


to Cdes. Stomonyakov, Yezhov, Frinovsky, Voroshilov, and Uritsky.


The Politburo orders both the governor of Kashgar and Cde. Smirnov to appeal to Mamut to resolve his disputes with the Urumqi government peacefully. In the event that Mamut begins conducting military opeartions against the Urumqi government, the Politburo orders Cdes. Frinovsky and Uritsky to prepare a plan of military measures against the Uighur division.

Document Information


RGASPI F.17 op. 162, d. 20 l. 99. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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MacArthur Foundation