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April 23, 1965

Transcript of the Discussions on the Occasion of the Reception of Soviet Ambassador I. K. Zhegalin by Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu

I. K. Zhegalin: On behalf of the Presidium of the C.C. of the CPSU I hand you today three letters: one addressed by the CC of the CPSU to the Chinese Communist Party and to the Workers Party of Vietnam, about which I reported to you last time; the second is the response of the Chinese to this letter in connection with the problem of Vietnam. We give you these letters.

The Chinese have sent their response to this letter and describes it as: “receiving the letter of comrades Brezhnev and Kosygin; in which it is proposed to discuss together the efficient measures for assuring the security of D.R. Vietnam – because they had discussions with the Vietnamese leadership, they accord them help; given that it is not necessary for us to meet at the highest level. If you desire – they say – you can meet and discuss directly with the Vietnamese comrades.”

They reproach us because the Soviet Union still gives little help to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

You can see, rather clearly, what is the response of the Chinese to our letter.

And, the third letter, addressed to you, in which is described how and what happened. We accord Vietnam assistance in armament worth hundreds of millions of rubles. Aside from that, our military personnel of high qualification are in Vietnam and are according assistance.

Both comrades Ho Chi Minh and Pham Van Dong have declared that they have a high appreciation for the fact that the Soviet Union fulfills its internationalist duties. Comrade Le Duan has said, likewise, that the Soviet assistance is sufficient and has thanked us for this aid.

You see, I wanted to inform you about this correspondence and to transmit it to you on behalf of the Presidium.


Cde. Nicolae Ceausescu: I thank you for that; we will study this in our Political Bureau.


I. K. Zhegalin: I have presented to you the principal content of the letters. This is one problem.

A second problem is an operational problem. On behalf of the Presidium of the Central Committee I am charged with transmitting to you the fact that the Soviet Union has in mind to celebrate in grand manner the 20-year anniversary of the joint victory over Fascist Germany. It is planned to invite to participate in the festivities the most notable political activists from the fraternal socialist countries, who through their direct activity fought against Fascism, and brought a contribution to the victory over Fascist Germany.

The Central Committee of the CPSU has in mind – it is understood, only if you agree with this – to invite from your country, in the quality of guests of the Soviet government, 3-5 persons, for 4-5 days. The Central Committee of the CPSU would be grateful if you could communicate the names of the comrades, who could be sent the personal invitations.

The Defense Minister of the Soviet Union also has in mind, if you agree with it, to invite 5-6 representatives of the Armed Forces of your country. These invitations transmitted by me, in the name of the Presidium of the Central Committee, are official invitations.


Cde. Nicolae Ceausescu: I thank you for the invitations and I believe our Political Bureau will agree; I consider that it is a good thing. As far as I know, a delegation, along the lines of the veterans, lead by comrade Gheorghe Stoica, must also go to the USSR. It seems to me that Teclu is also in it. So, several of the comrades who have fought are in that delegation.


I. K. Zhegalin: That is along the lines of war veterans, while the invitations that I have transmitted to you are along the lines of the Central Committee, and the second invitation is from the Defense Ministry.


Cde. Nicolae Ceausescu: But we must celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the victory over Fascism in our country as well.



This transcript of conversations that occurred during the reception of I K. Zhegalin by Nicolae Ceausescu discusses the letters between the CPSU C.C. and the C.C. of the Chinese C.P. on the situation in Vietnam (Democratic Republic) and the Soviet Union's plans to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Germany's surrender.

Document Information


ANR, Fond CC al PCR, Secţia Relaţii Externe, dosar 50/1965, f. 2-3. Translated by Larry L. Watts.


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