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October 3, 1973

Press Relations, Ministry of External Affairs, 'Text of Swaran Singh’s Statement at UN Assembly'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

MEA, Press Relations Section

DATE: October 3, 1973


Text of Swaran Singh’s Statement at UN Assembly


…We deeply mourn the death of Dr. Allende in such violent and tragic circumstances. I do not intend commenting on the developments of a sovereign State. In the wider context, however, I must express profound regret and concern over the setback that the democratic tradition of the people of Chile has suffered as a result of his overthrow, and over the violence, bloodshed and deprivation of human rights and infringement of diplomatic obligations which have recently been reported from that country. We earnestly hope that peace and harmony will be restored soon so that the people of Chile can resume their work of national reconstruction and reconciliation without any outside intervention and without further violence.


Statement by Indian Government on President Allende's death.

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File No: WII/101/20/73. Obtained by Ryan Musto.

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Press Release


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)