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October 19, 1976

The President's Daily Brief, October 19, 1976

The President’s Daily Brief


October 19, 1976




Norwayannounced yesterday that it is expelling the entire staff of theNorth Koreanembassy in Oslo.


The announced reason for the expulsion is that the North Koreans have been involved in black market sales of liquor and tobacco. Norway apparently does not intend to break diplomatic relations.


Several days ago the Danish government requested that the North Korean ambassador and his staff be withdrawn from Copenhagen because of their involvement in smuggling and selling narcotics, liquor, and cigarettes. Sweden may be the next Scandinavian country to act against the North Koreans; yesterday police in Stockholm arrested three Swedes for receiving illegally imported goods from North Korean embassy personnel.




The CIA reports that Norway and Denmark have expelled North Korean diplomats for smuggling alcohol and tobacco.

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CIA Records Search Tool (CREST), CIA-RDP79T00024A000300020008-1.


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