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September 29, 1970

Protocol of a Conference of Representatives of the Ministries of Internal Affairs and State Security held in Warsaw on 28-29 September 1970

[Czech-language stamp and notation at the top of the page]




of a conference of representatives of the ministries of internal affairs and state security held in Warsaw on 28-29 September 1970 devoted to working out joint measures to ensure the flight safety of civilian aircraft from hijacking, acts of sabotage [diversii], and sabotage [sic].


Delegations whose membership is indicated in the attachments took part in the conference.


Representatives of the MVD and state security organs of the NRB, VNR, GDR, PPR, USSR, and CSSR exchanged experiences and suggestions about fighting acts of air piracy at this conference on the basis of the existing friendly relations. Based on the coordinated assessment that hijacking, acts of terrorism, and other acts on air transport are especially dangerous crimes against the sovereignty of the socialist countries the participants of the conference came to the common conclusion about the need to recommend the implementation of the following operational and preventive measures:


1. Exchange information received by operational or other means about an intention to hijack an aircraft or commit undesirable acts directed against flight safety without delay. The information is sent regardless of the citizenship and place of residence of the person who intends to commit a malicious act if that act is being undertaken against an aircraft of another socialist country, on the territory of this country, or [on] the territory of another country. The information is passed to the organs of state security of all directly interested countries.


2. Take appropriate measures to ensure the effective protection of aircraft while they are at an airport, refueling, loading baggage and cargo, and also when landing passengers.


Limit the entry of those passing through the premises of airport terminals to a minimum in which passengers before boarding aircraft are concentrated who have passed through border and customs control. This will help prevent instances of equipment to commit crimes from being transferred to or carried on board aircraft.


Strengthen the system of monitoring people on the premises of airports.


3. In order to exclude the possibility of carrying objects onto an aircraft which might serve as a means of committing a crime, use customs control more actively to examine passengers’ personal and hand luggage in accordance with the existing legislation in each country. Special attention ought to be paid to citizens of their own countries having documents (passport sheets, identification, ordinary and official passports) not giving [them] the right to go to capitalist countries.

4. Give quick effective aid to aircraft commanders at their request in the event they detect anything on board the aircraft threatening flight safety. In necessary cases these people are subject to arrest.

5. Introduce a systematic exchange of information resulting from the experience of counterrevolutionary work to ensure the security of air travel, particularly:

- methods and means to fight acts of terrorism and sabotage;

- means and methods used or being prepared for use by aircraft hijackers and saboteurs.

6. Mutually exchange information about scientific research work being conducted and the production of equipment to monitor (examine) passengers, baggage, and cargo (electromagnetic and X-ray equipment, scientific and technical documentation, elements of the structure of a pressure chamber, etc.)

It is desirable that each side recommend that the air transport organizations of their country address these questions to the air transportation section of the Permanent Transport Commission of Comecon with the object of the possible manufacture of the optimal aforementioned equipment in one of the socialist countries or with the cooperation of several countries.

7. Address a suggestion to the management of civil aviation to change the existing rules of transporting so-called hand luggage with the purpose of limiting passengers to the minimum number of objects of such luggage needed in flight.

8. Do not allow registered baggage to be carried if its owner does not appear before the aircraft departs. Such baggage ought to be left at the airport, opened, examined, and returned to the owner only after this.

9. Address a request to the management of civil aviation to introduce unified rules for the landing of hijacked aircraft at any nearby airport.


Besides the aircraft landing rules the procedure for giving the necessary aid to the crew and passengers of an aircraft should be defined, ensuring the neutralization of the hijacker and sending the aircraft to its intended destination.


The protocol is subject to approval by the leaders of the organs of internal affairs or state security of the member countries of the conference. It will enter into force in a given country from the moment of its approval.


The corresponding organs will inform the PNR Minister of Internal Affairs of approval of the protocol.


After receiving notification of approval of the protocol the PNR Minister of Internal Affairs informs all the remaining leaders of the organs of state security of the member countries of the conference about this.


The protocol was drafted in Russian on 29 September 1970 in Warsaw in seven copies.


This protocol has been signed [by]:


for the Minister of Internal Affairs of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria

Colonel [signature] (S. FERDOV)


for the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Hungarian People’s Republic

Colonel [signature] (L. [HAVASI])


for the Minister of State Security of the German Democratic Republic

Colonel [signature] (W. DAMM)


for the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Polish People’s Republic

General of Brigade [signature] (E. Dostojewski)


for the Council of State Security of the Socialist Republic of Romania

Colonel [signature] (N. [SIDEA])


for the Committee for State Security of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

General-Major [signature] (M. MILYUTIN)


for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

Colonel [signature] (S. GUBINA)


attachment to the protocol




of the members of the delegations taking part in the conference to ensure the safety and normal operation of the airlines of the socialist countries.


from the NRB Ministry of Internal Affairs:


1. Col. Stoil Ferdov – Chief of the Transport Department of Counterintelligence.

2. Lt. Col. Ventseslav Mitrov – Senior Inspector of the Transport Department of Counterintelligence.


from the VNR Ministry of Internal Affairs:


1. Col. Laszlo Havasi – Deputy Chief of the Directorate of Counterintelligence.

2. Lt. Col. Laszlo [Komuves] – Chief of the Transport Department of the Directorate of Counterintelligence.

3. Col Pal Semenyi – Chief of a department of the Border Troops KPP [Translator’s note: probably “border control posts”]


from the Ministry of State Security of the GDR:

1. Col. Willy Damm – Chief of an independent department.

2. Col. Heinz [Filler] – Chief of a directorate.

3. Lt. Col. Manfred [Turpe] – Chief of a department.


from the PPR Ministry of Internal Affairs:


4. General of Brigade Eugeniusz Dostojewski – Director of the directorate for monitoring border traffic.

Col. Henrik Zmijewski – Deputy Director of the 2nd Department

6. Col. Josef [Budzyn] – Chief of a section [otdel – sic] of the 2nd Department [department].

7. Col. Tadeusz Jarmolinski – Chief of a department of the directorate for monitoring border traffic.

8. Major Ryszard Dobrowolski – Senior Adviser of the directorate for monitoring border traffic.


from the Council of State Security of the SRR


1. Col Nicolae [Sidea] – Chief of the 2nd Directorate

2. Col. Ion [Florea] – Deputy Chief of the 2nd Directorate.


from the Committee for State Security under the USSR Council of Ministers:


1. General-Major Mikhail Mikhaylovich Milyutin – Deputy Chief of the 2nd Main Directorate.

2. Col. Aleksandr Ivanovich Arkhipov – Deputy chief of a department of the 2nd Main Directorate.

3. Col. Konstantin Pavlovich Gusev – Chief of the department of the KPP [Translator’s note: probably “border control posts”] of the Border Forces.


from the CSSR Ministry of Internal Affairs:


1. Col. Stefan Gubina – Director of the 2nd department.

2. Lt. Col. Miroslav Vanicek – Chief of the Legal Department.

3. Maj. Jaroslav [Krticka] – Chief of the Economic Section [otdel, sic] of the 2nd Department[department].


Agreement for cooperation between the intelligences agencies of Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union on "measures to ensure the safety of civilian aircraft from hijacking, [and] acts of sabotage."


Document Information


Obtained by Pavel Zacek.


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