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Pak Sun-cheon

Elected to the National Assembly, Pak became one of the most influential politicians and a leading opposition member from 1950 to 1971.


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PAK SUN-CHEON (1898-1983). Born in Dongrae, South Gyeongsang Province, she received modem education, and became a teacher in Masan. In 1919, she was imprisoned in connection with her direct involvement in the independence movement in that city. Released from prison, she went to Tokyo in Japan to study, graduating from Nihon Women's College in 1926. Returning to Korea, she became an educator and a leader in the nationalist women's movement, and in 1940 she established the private Gyeongseong Academy. Elected to the National Assembly in 1950, she became one of the most influential politicians and a leading opposition member in the National Assembly until 1971. In 1960, she formed her own Masses Party, but in 1967 she and Yun Bo-seon formed the New Democratic Party, which became the main opposition party. After retiring from politics in 1972, she became head of a girls' school, and served as a member of the State Advisory Council from 1980.

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