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March 7, 1983

Memorandum, Hungarian Academy of Sciences to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

At the recent session of the governmental representatives to the United Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, 1-3 March 1983), Professor Choe Hak-geun [Choe Hak Gun], the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the chairman of the National Atomic Energy Commission, told me the following information in a private conversation, asking me to forward it to the competent Hungarian authorities:

Through official diplomatic channels, the DPRK will ask Hungary to receive Korean experts for training in the field of operating and managing a nuclear power plant [in Paks] as part of the cooperation between the two countries, since the DPRK will soon start building its first nuclear power plant.

István Láng
Hungarian government representative
to the United Institute for Nuclear Research

The DPRK asks Hungary to train Korean experts on the operation and management of a nuclear power plant.


Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-k Korea, 1983, 73. doboz, 81-73, 2856/1983. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Balazs Szalontai.


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