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April 6, 1983

Letter, Hungarian Foreign Ministry to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Dear Comrade Láng!

The letter […] you sent to Comrade Deputy [Foreign] Minister Vencel Házi was forwarded to me, as I am competent to deal with this. The Foreign Ministry’s position on the subject of the letter is that the Hungarian nuclear power plant is being built on the basis of Soviet documents and with direct Soviet support; its machinery is also largely Soviet made. For some time it will be operated with the support of Soviet experts, as the training of Hungarian experts has just gotten underway. That is, these objective conditions prevent us from fulfilling the request of the DPRK. In case of a possible [official] request, we may advise them to submit their request directly to the competent Soviet authorities.

With comradely greetings,
Ferenc Szabó
head of the [4th Regional] Major Department

Hungary politely defers North Korea's request for training on a nuclear power plant to the Soviets.


Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-k Korea, 1983, 73. doboz, 81-73, 2856/1983. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Balazs Szalontai.


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