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August 7, 1964

Declaration of the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania Concerning the Aggressive Miilitary operations of the US against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on August 7, 1964

This document is a declaration of the People’s Republic of Albania decrying the American military's actions on August 7 targeted against North Vietnam. According to the Albanian government, these operations endangered peace in Indochina and Southeast Asia in general in addition to violating the Geneva Convention of 1954. The American 7th Fleet and the American Air Force, along with South Vietnamese government forces, provoked a retaliatory action from North Vietnam. In addition, the Albanian government believes the Americans dispatched spies and saboteurs to North Vietnam. The Albanian government fully supports the sovereignty and independence of the North Vietnamese people in their struggle against the Americans. This declaration was distributed to all foreign diplomatic envoys in Albania.

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AMPJSh, V. 1964, D 251/1, p. 53


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