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September 10, 1951

Ciphered Telegram, Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong



for Comrade Mao Zedong

“Comrade Mao Zedong!

We have received your telegram of 8 September.

We agree to send a main military adviser and a group of military specialists as military advisers attached to the staff of the Volunteer troops in Korea.

We consider it advisable to resolve the question of sending military advisers to the armies and corps after the main military adviser familiarizes himself with the situation on location and presents his considerations on this question.

As main military adviser for the staff of the Volunteer troops in Korea we could send General of the Army Zakharov.

If you agree with this decision of ours, then General of the Army Zakharov can depart soon for Beijing for further movement to the location of the staff of the Volunteer troops in Korea.



FILIPPOV [Stalin].”



Telegram from Stalin to Mao agreeing to send the military advisors requested by Mao. He also asks whether General Zakharov would be suitable as the main military adviser for the staff.

Document Information


APRF, Fond 45, Opis 1, Delo 340, List 82.


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