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March 15, 1969

Mao Zedong's Talk at a Meeting of the Central Cultural Revolution Group (Excerpt)

Mao Zedong: Every county should establish a [militia] regiment, this should be done all over the country. In a big county, three battalions should be established; in a middle-size county, two battalions; and in a small county, one battalion. During peacetime, they will stay in the locality; when the war breaks out, they will supplement the field army. When the war breaks out, it will not be enough to rely upon the annual conscription....

Mao Zedong: The northeast, the north, and the northwest should be prepared. Once we are prepared, if the enemy does not come, that does not matter. We are now confronted with a formidable enemy. It is advantageous to have the mobilization and the preparation. The Soviets know that we will not invade their country as it is so cold there. We will try to gain mastery by striking the enemy only after he has struck. Our nuclear bases should be prepared, be prepared for the enemy's air bombardment.

Lin Biao: The actions today [by the Soviet border forces] were directed by Moscow. It was initiated [by the commanders] on the front.

Mao Zedong: We protest, but they will not listen to us. Both sides are competing to gain time. They try to save face.

Mao Zedong claimed that the whole country should be prepared against the Soviet Union's invasion.

Document Information


Zhonghua renmin gongheguo shilu [A Factual History of the People's Republic of China] (Changchun: Jilin renmin chubanshe, 1994), vol. 3, Part 1, pp. 467-469


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