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September 11, 1973

Memorandum, Branch Office of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Trade in North Korea to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Trade

[On September 7,] Comrade [Polish Commercial Counselor J.] Kluczynski informed me about the following issues: […] The Polish-Korean intergovernmental scientific and technical subcommittee held its 2nd session on August 8-13 in Pyongyang. The protocol of the session was signed on August 13 by Deputy Minister of Scientific and Technical Development and Higher Education M. Kazmierczuk, the Polish chairman of the subcommittee, on the Polish side and Deputy Minister of International Economic Relations Ri Gi-seon [Ri Ki Son], the Korean chairman of the subcommittee, on the Korean side. In the protocol they specified the fields of scientific and technical cooperation in 1973-1974. Namely, they scheduled to receive technical experts in the following fields:

The Korean side will receive Polish technical experts in:

pharmaceutical industry 1 person 14 days
optimization in coal mining 3 persons 14 days
machine-building 3 persons 14 days
Metallurgy 3 persons 14 days

The Polish side will receive [North Korean] technical experts in:

designing and construction of harbors 4 persons 1 year
flax processing 3 persons 14 days
production of electronic components [no data] [no data]
safety issues in mining 6 persons 2 months
designing and production of mining machines 10 persons 4 months
designing and production of gas turbines 5 persons 14 days
research and designing of nuclear reactors 3 persons 4 months

István Suhajda
commercial counselor

Polish and Korean officials meet to discuss and arrange technical and scientific cooperation. Both sides agree to a mutual exchange of technicians.


Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-j Korea, 1973, 69. doboz, 81-54, 004396/1973. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Balazs Szalontai


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