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January 29, 1950

Remark, Mao Zedong, "About the Negotiations on Establishing Diplomatic Relations with Britain"

Zhou [Enlai]: Please make the following response [to Beijing]: When [John C.] Hutchinson comes, only the problems concerning the relations between Britain and Jiang Jieshi and other problems related to establishing diplomatic relations [between Britain and the PRC] should be discussed. The question of the requisitioning of the military barracks should not be touched upon. While meeting the Dutch charge d'affairs, if he mentions the recognition of Indonesia in exchange for [Dutch recognition of the PRC], the matter should be reported to the superiors for consideration.


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Jianguo yilai Mao Zedong wengao [Mao Zedong’s manuscripts since the founding of the People’s Republic], vol. 1 (Beijing: Central Press of Historical Documents, 1987), 253; translation from Shuguang Zhang and Jian Chen, eds., Chinese Communist Foreign Policy and the Cold War in Asia, 141.


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