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August 20, 1965

Summary of Zhou Enlai’s Talk with E. H. K. Mudenda, Agricultural Minister of Zambia

[8 20 ] 下午 4 30 分,在钓鱼台宾馆 2 号楼同以农业部长穆登达为团长的赞比亚政府代表团会谈时详细介绍了越南问题的背景,指出美国的“无条件谈判”是阴谋,目前谈判就等于出卖越南人民,越南人民主张美国从越南撤军作为解决越南问题的第一步。这样打下去,越南人民能顶住。战争不会扩大成世界大战,但也不能完全由人们的愿望决定。如美国要与中国打,中国这一关它过不去。中国不会要求其他国家参战。我们的立场是四句话:(一)中国不主动挑起战争;(二)中国人说话是算数的;(三)中国是有准备的;(四)战争一旦打起来是没有界限的。

...The U.S. proposal for "unconditional discussions" is a plot. Conducting negotiations at this moment is nothing but a betrayal of the Vietnamese people, who have insisted on U.S. withdrawal of troops from Vietnam as the first step toward the settlement of the Vietnam problem. It the war continues in the present manner, the Vietnamese people can hold to their position. The war may not expand into a world war, but that probability will not be totally decided by the wish of people. If the United States wants war with China, it will not win over China. China will not ask other countries to participate in the war. Our position boils down to four sentences: (1) China will not initiate war; (2) the Chinese mean what they say; (3) China is prepared; (4) if the war breaks out, there will be no boundaries.





Zhou Enlai explains Chinese opposition to peace talks with the United States to end the Vietnam War.


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The Diplomatic History Research Office of the People's Republic of China Foreign Ministry, ed., Zhou Enlai waijiao huodong dashiji, 1949-1975 (Chronology of Zhou Enlai's Diplomatic Activities, 1949-1975) (Beijing: Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 1993), p. 474. Translated by Qiang Zhai.


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