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December 10, 1979

Summary of a meeting on Afghanistan

[p. 121, 10 December 1979; Ogarkov, as later quoted by Varennikov to the author:]

"We will reestablish the entire eastern Islamic system [islamizm] against us", said Ogarkov, "and we will lose politically in the entire world". [Translator's note: Perhaps here Ogarkov has the Basmachi resistance in the Central Asian republics during the Civil War in mind]. Andropov cuts him off: "Stick to military affairs! We, the Party, and Leonid Il'ich will handle policy!" Ogarkov tried to object: "I am Chief of the General Staff", but again Andropov stopped him: "No more". The KGB Chairman was supported by K. U. Chernenko, M. A. Suslov, D. F. Ustinov, and A. P. Kirilenko. Then L. I. Brezhnev has his word: "Yuriy Vladimirovich should be supported".

A meeting between CC CPSU officials demonstrates the disagreement over Soviet involvement in Afghanistan.

Document Information


A. A. Lyakhovskiy’s “Plamya Afgana” (“Flame of the Afghanistan veteran””, Iskon, Moscow, 1999; Translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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Memorandum of Conversation


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