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June 24, 1954

Telegram, Li Kenong to the PRC Foreign Ministry

(Top secret)

Foreign Ministry:

[PRC Foreign Ministry American and Australian Affairs Department Director] Comrade Ke Bainian and a messenger are scheduled to fly from Geneva back home tomorrow (the 25th), and they are carrying three bags of top secret documents. Please take the following actions immediately after receiving the documents:

(1) The bag for the premier must be delivered to Nanning by a specially arranged plane before the premier arrives in Nanning, waiting to be delivered to the premier at the time of his arrival.


(2) The other two bags should be specially delivered to Director Zhang (Zhen) of the Military Operation Department and Comrade Li Qi at the Premier's Office, and should be accepted by them in person. Please inform us when the above documents have been received.

Li Kenong
24 June 1954

Instructions are given for the three bags of top secret documents accompanying Comrade Ke Bainian to China.


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PRC FMA. Translated by Chen Zhihong.


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