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July 14, 1978

Minutes of Meeting of CPSU CC Politburo (excerpt)

14 July 1978

Chaired by Com. KIRILENKO, A.P.
Attended by Coms. Andropov, Iu.V., Kulakov, F.D., Mazurov, K.T., Demichev, P.N., Kuznetsov, V.V., Ponomarev, B.N.,Solomentsev, M.S., Chernenko, K.Y., Dolgikh, V.I., Zimianin, M.V., Riabov, Ia.P., Rusakov, K.V
[...] 9. About Measures for the Future Strengthening of Soviet-Ethiopian Relations

KIRILENKO. Coms. Gromyko, Andropov, and Ponomarev have presented this issue.

MAL'TSEV says that the Ethiopians are behaving incorrectly in Eritrea. They are campaigning against providing autonomy to Eritrea. They have begun military actions there. There are not conducting an entirely correct policy in the Ogaden either. Military actions are taking place somewhere there against Somalia.

KIRILENKO. Mengistu is still not sufficiently experienced, but at the same time he is a very sensitive person, therefore it is just necessary to educate him, to teach him.

ANDROPOV. It is in the same way important to show Mengistu that we are on his side.

PONOMAREV. Yesterday the Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Cuba, Vivo Valdez visted me. He had been in Ethiopia. In Cuba he received instructions. He is returning there. Vivo said that Cuba will not undertake to do anything in Ethiopia without the preliminary agreement with the Soviet Union.

In relation to the fact that our Ambassador in Ethiopia Com. Ratanov has taken ill, and has been in Moscow for three months already, it is apparently necessary to think about sending another comrade there.

ANDROPOV. Ambassador to Ethiopia Com. Ratanov has already gotten better, he can go. But overall it evidently makes sense for the MFA to think about a new ambassador.

KIRILENKO. I think that, you, Com. Mal'tsev, will take measures now to send there one of the comrades, say, an advisor, the most experienced, who could help Com. Ratanov.

The draft of the resolution is accepted.

A general conversation amongst Politburo members regarding the current state of relations with the Ethiopian regime and how it could be improved. (excerpt)

Document Information


APRF, f. 3, op. 120, d. 40, ll. 45, 10-12. Translated for CWIHP by Mark Doctoroff


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Meeting Minutes


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