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January 13, 1949

Cable, Terebin to Stalin [via Kuznetsov]

To Com[rade] F. Kuznetsov

This is the most important part of the reply.

Mao Zedong spoke more sharply. He is against any participation in the mediation, against any kind of participation by the CCP in the negotiations.

The Guomindang will agree to any conditions now, but this must not be allowed.

About Moscow.

Judging from everything, if Mao Zedong in the nearest future, no later than the end of January is not able to go, the, probably he will not be able to go at all.

Shi Zhe spoke directly about this.


Terebin states that Mao is firmly against mediation with the GMD and the USSR taking part in mediation talks with the GMD. Terebin states that if Mao cannot make it to Moscow by the end of January, he will most likely not go at all.

Document Information


APRF: F. 39, Op. 1, D. 31, L.68. Reprinted in Andrei Ledovskii, Raisa Mirovitskaia and Vladimir Miasnikov, Sovetsko-Kitaiskie Otnosheniia, Vol. 5, Book 2, 1946-February 1950 (Moscow: Pamiatniki Istoricheskoi Mysli, 2005), p. 20. Translated by Sergey Radchenko.


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