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May 4, 1964

Information Note from the Foreign Information Section of the ''Securitate'' with regard to the different opinions made public on Radio Free Europe concerning "The Policy of Independence of Romania."

Ministry of Internal Affairs
M.U. 0123/I C. 22

Top Secret
4 May 1964


From Paris, we send you this report numbered 563/E of 1 May 1964:

1:The Radio Free Europe (RFE) bureau in Paris recently received a circular from the Romanian Section of the RFE in Munich which states that the current policies of the People's Republic of Romania (PPR) mark the beginning of a real course of independence from the USSR both politically and economically. [The document] mentions that the attitude of our Party and government in the Sino-Soviet conflict is an act of independence and a sincere attempt to resolve the conflict. [The document] characterizes the Romanian attitude in CMEA (Council of Mutual Economic Assistance) and purchases of industrial equipment from the West as evidence of economic independence.

2. The director of the Paris RFE bureau, former Lieutenant-Colonel Ioan Ionescu, was called at the Munich bureau and asked his opinion on the direction adopted by the current leadership of our country. He responded that "it is an initiative of the USSR to confuse the West, and that the analysis of the Munich bureau does not correspond to the reality."

ss. Colonel (illegible)

For Conformity

A description of correspondence between the Paris and Munich bureaux of Radio Free Europe (RFE) on whether or not Romanian political and economic policies constituted a signal that Romania was asserting its independence from the USSR


Document Information


ACNSAS, fond SIE, file 16, p. 111. Published in Florian Banu and Liviu Tarau, "April 1964. Bucharest Spring. How did [they] adopt Romania's 'Declaration of Independence,'" (Enciclopedica Press: Bucharest, 2004), pp. 292-293.


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